Saturday, 19 December 2009

Nissan Skyline GT-R R33 e R34

2 carros convertidos e editados do J2HIN por mim
com partes de NFS-Shift e Race driver GRID editadas para
se ajustar melhor aos carros, e alguns itens criados no Zmodeler

Textura de pneu ADVAN AD08

R34 com cockpit quase completo do NFS-Shift, que
converti com ajuda de meu amigo Emontero.
bom, e por enquanto, eu mudei apenas o R34 para LHD,
para não haver problemas com SA-MP, já o R33 talvez eu
faça em outro dia.

sem data e sem pretensão de download.

RGB Colors for Carcols.dat Test

Abaixo estão algumas cores que separei pra serem
usadas no GTA-SA
cores que são usadas em carros como:
Skyline, Silvia S15, 240sx, Corvette Z06, Audi S4, RX7,
RX8, AE86 e S-2000
também são as mesmas usadas no NFS-Shift.
pode não ser exatamente, se for olhar os numeros, mas se
aproxima bastante se for comparar.
- As linhas são para serem trocadas com as que estão
no carcols.dat, quando trocar, aperte TAB entre os espaços
até que fique alinhado com as demais, não que isso seja
uma regra, ou que haja erros talvez,
por exemplo
0,0,0 [TAB]# 0 black [TAB] black
obs.: se não sabe como editar o carcols.dat, recomendo
então que procure no google ou qualquer outro lugar por
algum tutorial, a postagem é só para mostrar algumas
sugestões de cores para os carros de GTA.
Lista 1.0
0,0,0 # 0 black black

250,250,250 # 1 white white

197,8,0 # 3 ultra red red
0,36,119 # 4 bayside blue dark blue
37,18,49 # 5 midnight purple purple
148,116,13 # 6 lightning yellow yellow
74,75,76 # 7 athlet silver bright blue
8,9,8 # 8 pearl black light blue grey
132,20,12 # 9 active red red
37,76,150 # 10 ings style blue blue

74,87,95 # 13 toyota silver grey
123,126,129 # 14 nissan white light
159,20,8 # 16 victory red red
111,0,0 # 21 tornado red red
62,63,62 # 25 mephisto grey dark
129,125,120 # 26 aspen white grey
93,97,99 # 27 silver stone grey
107,105,101 # 29 white pearl grey

129,125,120 # 33 toyota white grey
8,8,8 # 36 brilliant black dark

140,4,4 # 42 toyota red red

95,87,70 # 47 sandstone beige green

12,10,12 # 51 toyota black green
3,64,115 # 52 blue pearl green
26,16,66 # 53 brilliant blue blue
11,43,129 # 54 montreal blue blue
21,37,79 # 59 lemans blue blue

135,45,13 # 62 daytona sunset red
137,103,0 # 65 yellow pearl yellow
140,103,0 # 68 velocity yellow yellow

140,12,12 # 70 aztec red red
63,68,77 # 72 sonic silver grey

13,17,41 # 75 tiamat blue dark

43,59,38 # 83 milenium jade green

85,85,87 # 91 machine silver blue
103,101,99 # 92 satin silver grey
16,43,115 # 95 sprint blue blue
103,95,57 # 99 silicia breath yellow

14,19,57 # 101 sapphire dark
60,59,60 # 105 gray metallic grey
0,40,185 # 106 custom blue blue
8,19,38 # 109 montego blue grey

3,20,13 # 114 deep green green
123,0,0 # 115 vintage red red
170,5,8 # 117 brilliant red red

255,0,130 # 126 yashio style pink pink

Monday, 14 December 2009

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Nissan Silvia S-15 Custom

Model converted, edited from J2HIN by me, and some
parts from NFS-Shift, converted with the help of my friend
Emontero, and others by Air-One

this model was inspired by the some s15 competitions,
Time Attack, Yashio Factory's S15 and others.

The front bumper and side skirts are Ings+1,
spoiler from Celica Kits, wheels Enkei, Momo Red

Steer Wheel and more.

ok. xD

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Toyota Supra Custom - Time Attack Style

Carro em desenvolvimento...

Ford Mustag 1967 Custom


Converted and edited from Juiced 2 HIN by me.
Although there are others like it in other sites and
converted by other modders, this as any other car
in my blog, is my conversion mod to GTA-SA.

Vauxhall Astra VXR

Converted and edited from Juiced 2 HIN by me.
Although there are others like it in other sites and
converted by other modders, this as any other car
in my blog, is my conversion mod to GTA-SA.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

O.Z. Wheels Pack v.1

contains 10 O.Z. wheels converted from J2HIN
below, a small demonstration :P